Posts tagged with ‘novyork’

  • Der Edelstein – Wand (New cover)

    „A look at Berlin walls and the way they change due to various factors. In addition, artists and interested parties…

  • BERLIN: Writing Graffiti

    In June 2018 for the first time ever the attempt was made to exhibit the history of graffiti in Berlin.…

  • Groß-Clochard (HUMAN INSIDE)

    “Numerous smartphone snapshots. Frozen snippets of moments from SAEIO’s last trip to Southland. Lightheartedness. Together with two Germans SPAIR &…

  • Antny Kreeg 47 – Kilroy’s Conformity

    „This book is a mix between thoughts I had for a doctoral thesis, writing out my psychotic episodes and a…

  • Der Edelstein – Rauschen

    “Rauschen” takes the reader on a stroll through Berlin, stopping at writings which stand out from the perpetual flow of…

  • Dumar Novy – What Do One Million Ja Tags Signify?

    Was bringen eine Million „JA“ Tags zum Ausdruck? Was bedeutet es, wenn ein Writer seit 1985 kontinuierlich durch Tags und…

  • Auszugsweise Athen

    A front door of a residential building full of tags. The represented names: Spair, Moga, Fiona, Ahead, Spirit, Sonick, Tish,…