Posts tagged with ‘namewriting’

  • EINE STADT WIRD BUNT. Hamburg Graffiti History 1980-1999

    In recent years various books have been published which did spotlight the arrival of New York graffiti in the early…

  • AMSTERDAM ON TOUR – The early signs of Dutch graffiti

    “The year is 1983 A.D.. New York graffiti occupies the globe, the Old Europe is entirely clean and name writing…

  • Guide 04 (+ interview)

    Almost one and a half year have passed since the last Prague based Guide zine was released. Whilst all three…

  • Disz. The first Dutch writer bombing the New York City subway.

    …New York City is still the capital and cultural center of graffiti. It’s like Mecca to those who worship at…

  • CALYBA – Screen Print

    In Joachim Spurlosers and Stefan Wartenbergs 2015 publication “CALYBA” you can find poems based on the pseudonyms of graffitiwriters and…

  • Hamburg

    For more than 20 years Hamburgs cityscape has been overdrawn by artworks which are attributed to OZ. Since the early…

  • Public Wall Writing in Philadelphia

    As New York City developed its own name writing culture in the 1960s, so did Philadelphia. In “Public Wall Writing…

  • Cargocolor Nummervier

    In their fourth print issue the guys behind Cargocolor united 16 specials under the topic of darkness. Each of the…

  • Antny Kreeg 47 – Kilroy’s Conformity

    „This book is a mix between thoughts I had for a doctoral thesis, writing out my psychotic episodes and a…

  • Tramp Directories, Noms-de-Road, and Unwritten Codes. A souvenir of hobo graffiti.

    This 2017 publication gives authentic first insights into a subculture which got more in common with nowadays graffiti as one…

  • Der Edelstein – Rauschen

    “Rauschen” takes the reader on a stroll through Berlin, stopping at writings which stand out from the perpetual flow of…

  • Das Gedächtnis der Stadt schreiben / Writing the Memory of the City

    In 2007 Markus Mai and Thomas Wiczak invited 18 other artists with a background in graffitiwriting to join their concept…

  • Guide 03

    Guide 03 is about tags by four Prague based writers. This edition consists of four individual zines put together in…

  • Over and Over #1

    The guys behind the Masters of Reitsport focussed on tags in the first issue of their Over and Over magazine.…

  • Gates Of Graffiti

    Doors play a significant role in graffiti writing, especially when it comes to tagging. In Gates of Graffiti Malcolm Jacobson…