Posts tagged with ‘EmmettE’

  • MIRROR TALK – SPAIR (2nd edition)

    SPAIR. Five letters which appear mostly as chrome and black tags, rooftops, line- and streetpieces all across the city of…

  • Der Edelstein – Wand (New cover)

    „A look at Berlin walls and the way they change due to various factors. In addition, artists and interested parties…

  • KUNSTFORUM International. Graffiti NOW – Ästhetik des Illegalen

    In its 50th issue the established German art magazine KUNSTFORUM International did introduce Graffiti for the first time as the…

  • Hamburg

    For more than 20 years Hamburgs cityscape has been overdrawn by artworks which are attributed to OZ. Since the early…

  • Sprühlinien – Emmett E. (2nd Edition)

    Destroy- or Terrorlines appear in different places in Berlin. Each line has its own history and sometimes also expresses the…

  • Der Edelstein – Rauschen

    “Rauschen” takes the reader on a stroll through Berlin, stopping at writings which stand out from the perpetual flow of…

  • 32 Notes on Graffiti

    The concept behind “32 Notes of Graffiti” couldn’t be more simple. Besides the two pages every participant has been given…

  • Mirror Talk

    The work of SPAIR is omnipresent in Berlin. Whether rooftops, linepieces or streetpieces – also in the most uncommon places…

  • Sprühlinien – Emmett E.

    Destroy- or Terrorlines appear in different places in Berlin. Each line has its own history and sometimes also expresses the…

  • U8 by Emmett E.

    In Bruchteilen einer Sekunde schießt der Zug durch die engen dunklen Tunnel der Berliner U-Bahn Linie 8. Vorbei an unzähligen…