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Documentation of the graffiti and streetart festival which took place from 20th November 2015 to 6th December 2015 at the Bundeskunsthalle in Bonn.

How do you capture the art of the street and show it in a museum? By moving the street into the museum. This happened in 2015 at the Bundeskunsthalle in Bonn. The precisely styled street scene provided the perfect surface to almost authentically present the urban typefaces, logos and figures of the artists working throughout the hall.

While other galleries and museums are always trying to leave classic graffiti outside their exhibition space and create only a filtered and therefore never authentic image in streetart and graffiti exhibitions, the Bundeskunsthalle intentionally did not left „daub“ and „property damage“ outside – it also found a way into the exhibition hall.

The curators Allan Gretzki and Robert Kaltenhäuser were able to convert a broad spectrum of more or less well-established but thoroughly interesting artists to the exhibition BundeskunstHALL OF FAME in Bonn. The list ranges from internationally active artists such as DELTA, MOSES & TAPS, HONET and Felipe Pantone to regional representatives such as ATEM or the INF crew.

In the catalog, the exhibiting artists are presented in small chapters, their works are described and highlighted in a larger context. Through the text contributions to the exhibition, the discourse on the subject of graffiti and streetart is not used to exhibiting on canvases, but to use the museum directly as a temporary underground. A special highlight is the (semi-fictional) tour through the exhibition in which the curators, the art critic Lene ter Haar and the art historian Dr. med. Johannes Stahl’s works gradually expire and comment and analyze directly.

The catalog not only summarizes the graffiti and street art festival in Bonn, but also shows how a fusion of the art of the street and a state museum can act far away from the „White Cube“ exhibition concept. This and the controversial texts on the subject (among other by Graffiti lawyer Dr. Gau) make the exhibition catalog far more than a mere listing of representative artists and works.

160 pages, 23 cm x 18 cm
Release date: December 2015
Text: German
Publisher: Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland

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