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FREIGHT TRAIN GRAFFITI tells the story of writing on freight trains in the United States. Painting nationwide traveling cargo trains began to be established in the 1980s as a subgenre of common graffiti which was mainly executed on walls and subway trains. While being not taken seriously by most writers at first the movement did massively grow in the 90s when the pieces ran uncleaned for years all over the continent. Different writers took over the freight game and new kings made their impact on thousands of boxcars.

For the first time FREIGHT TRAIN GRAFFITI did compile an authentic overview on the huge scene overseas. A general introduction, a history chapter with early steps on this medium are part of the content as well as almost 50 pages solely dedicated to the moniker phenomenon. Each part is filled with photos of important representatives and many statements on topics like benching, the media, wholecars, the internet, etc. The book opens with forewords by Sacha Jenkins and Henry Chalfant.

This 450-paged hardcover is a reissue of the 2006 classic including more than 500 new shots on 100 additional pages in a new, bigger format. The layout was improved as well and makes it much more entertaining to skim through the content of more than 1500 photos in total. We consider this tome the one must-have book on the American freight train movement and its history. We only imported a limited number of books so be quick on this one!

448 pages, 24,5 x 32,1 x 3,1 cm, hardcover
Language: English
Release date: September 2022

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