Posts tagged with ‘we’r’

  • Auszugsweise Athen 2

    After 5 years, the second part of Auszugsweise Athen is finally here. It gives a comprehensive look especially in the…

  • Auszugsweise Athen (new edition)

    A front door of a residential building full of tags. The represented names: SPAIR, MOGA, FIONA, AHEAD, SPIRIT, SONICK, TISH,…

  • IRON CITY – Graffiti Dortmund

    Dortmund is one of the few German cities in which the classic 1980s movies and books from New York on…

  • Gossenpost No.2

    As in the first issue, the focus of the second Frankfurt Gossenpost magazine is clearly on illegal graffiti. While the…